- Lecture One - Relationship of Orthodontics to TMD
- Lecture Two - Myalgic Pain And Intracapsular Disorders - Part 1
- Lecture Three - Clinical Applications of Myalgic and Itracapsular Disorders and Combination Patients. Part 2
- Lecture Four - Radiographic Imaging of the TMJ
- Lecture Five - Myalgic Splints and Bruxism
- Lecture Six - OSA and Bruxism in Children; Nutrition and the TMJ; Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Bruxism and TMD
- Lecture Seven - Treating Internal TMJ Derangements. Part 1. Non Reducing. Part 2. Self Reducing
- Lecture Eight - Case Finishing for TMD Cases. Othodontic and Prosthodontic Finishing
- Lecture Nine - Use of Lasers in Treatment of Myalgic TMJ Pain; Splint Consturction. Myalgic Splints and Intracapsular Splints
- Lecture Ten - TMJ Surgery Patient Evaluation; Psychological Factors and TMD; ABO LOG Book Case Presentation
Individual Lectures
EODO is an in-person and online education company for the Dental Industry, worldwide.
Led by Dr Derek Mahony, EODO brings the very best, American Dental Association CERP, to the world, from leading clinicians.