This is the signature Graduate Diploma of Dental Sleep Medicine Mini Residency, offered by Dr Derek Mahony, and certified by the City of London Dental School.
The course is intended for dental professionals currently treating snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients using oral appliances.
Dentists are likely to have patients who need help with their snoring and OSA problems because they are having problems wearing their CPAP. Randomly making snoring appliances without adequate training is NOT the answer.
The Dental Sleep Medicine Mini Residency emphasises the multidisciplinary approach to sleep disorders dentistry with presentations from dentists, maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, ENT surgeons and sleep physicians, all of whom are highlyexperienced in practising in the field of oral sleep medicine.
Course Curriculum
- Introduction Video by Dr Mahony, and Module Content (1:23)
- Lecture - Video 1 (98:27)
- Written Assignment
- Standard OSA Letter
- New Lecture
- Informed Consent
- Fee for Service Agreement
- Appliance Care Instructions
- Affidavit of CPAP intolerance
- Advanced Sleep Screening Form
- Letter of Medical Necessity
- Letter to PCP for Medical Necessity
- Letter to PCP for PSG
- Sleep Study Liability
- SGS Initial Patient Screening
- SGS Initial Patient Screening PDF
- Video One: Initial Patient Consultation (4:48)
- Video Two: Initial Examination, Before Sleep Study (3:30)
- Video Three: Second Consultation, Discussing Options From Sleep Study Results (11:45)
- Video Four: Informed Consent (6:37)
- Video Five: Appliance Fitting (7:56)
- Video Six: Letter Writing and Legal Compliance (7:18)
- * VIDEO * Dr Greg Lvoff: Nasal Obstuction/Sleep Apnea & Dentofacial Deformation in Children (41:12)
- Functional treatment of snoring based on the tongue repositioning manoeuvre
- Sleep Tips for Children
- Teenage Sleep
- Tips for a Good Night's Sleep
- The Consequences of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Chart
- Sleep Study
- Sleep Apnea and Dysfunctional Breathing
- Treatment of Sleep Apnea Using Mandibular Repositioning Appliances
- The role of rapid maxillary expansion in the promotion of oral and general health
- Sleep Bruxism
- Pediatric Considerations for Dental Sleep Medicine
- Impact of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea on the development of Class II hyperdivergent patients receiving orthodontic treatment
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Extractions and Airway
- Etiological Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Development of craniofacial and dental arch morphology in relation to sleep disordered breathing from 4 to 12 years
- Jefferson Analysis
- BEARS questions
- Sleep bruxism: a comprehensive overview for the dental clinician interested in sleep medicine
- Common Sleep Disorders
- Efficacy of an Adjustable Oral Appliance and Comparison With Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
- The Upper Airway Nasal Complex Structural Contribution to Persistent Nasal Obstruction
- Sibilant Phoneme Bite Registration - How To.
- Napping
- Random Trial of Novel EPAP Device for Treatment of OSA
- Protrusive Bite Registration, TENS, vertical, a combination bite: what is the answer for a snoring/OSA appliance?
- Pulse Oximetry vs Sleep Study
- Mouth-breathing, malocclusion and the restoration of nasal breathing
- A Clinical Diagnosis of Diurnal (non-sleep) Bruxism in Denture Wearers
- Dental management of children with sleep-disordered breathing
- The Sensory Innervation of the Human Pharynx. Searching for Mechanoreceptors
- OSA In Kids
- Tips to Help Baby Sleep Better
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- The Effect on the Adult Face of Various Orthodontic Techniques at Different Ages
- Nightmares
- Your Child’s Airway and Dentofacial Development
- Narcolepsy
- Pharyngometry Studies Summary
- REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
- Sleep Medicine Review
- Spontaneous Correction of Class II Malocclusion After Rapid Palatal Expansion
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Pregnancy and Sleep
- Prevelance of Sleep Problems and their Association with Inactivity/Hyperactivity in Children aged 6-15 in Taiwan
- Bruxism in Children: Effect on Sleep Architecture and Daytime Cognitive Performance and Behavior
- Habitual Snoring and Sleep Bruxism in a Pediatric Outpatient Population in Hong Kong
- Behavior and Neurocognitive Performance in Children Aged 5-10 Years Who Snore Compared to Controls
- Sleep disordered breathing Effects of adenotonsillectomy on behaviour and psychological functioning
- Childhood Sleep Apnea Linked to Brain Damage, Lower IQ
- The Relationship Between Dental Overbite and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
- Control of the Pharyngeal Musculature During Wakefulness and Sleep: Implications in Normal Controls And Sleep Apnea
- Use of a sibilant phoneme registration protocol to prevent upper airway collapse in patients with TMD
- Sleep disordered breathing Findings of the Tucson Children's Assessment of Sleep Apnea (TuCASA) Prospective Cohort Study
- Results of 310 Cases of Rapid Maxilla Expansion Selected for Medical Reasons
- Influence of Body Position on Severity of Obstructive SleepApnea: A Systematic Review
- Tongue Function An Underrecognized Component in the treatment of sleep apnea with mandibular repositioning appliance
- A comparison of cephalometric analysis using radiographs and craniofacial computed tomography in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: preliminary report
- Cephalometric comparisons of craniofacial and upper airway structure by skeletal subtype and gender in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
- Learning in children and sleep disordered breathing: Findings of the Tucson Children’s Assessment of Sleep Apnea (TuCASA) Prospective Cohort Study
- Changes in airway dimensions following functional appliances in growing patients with skeletal class II malocclusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Velopharyngeal Anatomy in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Versus Normal Subjects
- The Effect of Posture and a Mandibular Protruding Device on Pharyngeal Dimensions: A Cephalometric Study
- Sleep Apnea Phenotyping: Implications for Dental Sleep Medicine
What our past students are saying about the
Dental Sleep Medicine Mini Residency
"Dental sleep medicine is here to stay. This is such an important course to do if you genuinely want to positively impact the overall health of your patients, not only their mouth. Modern medicine is heading down the path of personalised and integrative care, whereby we realise the interconnectedness of the body. When your eyes have been opened to this way of practicing, you will see it truly changes the lives of both children and adults in ways never imagined. With Derek dedicating much of his professional life to this area, holding a degree in sleep medicine and a PhD on this topic, he is one of the best to teach this area."
-Dr Andrew Bachour, Dentist
"Doing the Dental sleep Medicine course with EODO has educated me on how I can treat our patients better. It has enabled me to become an integral part of a team that identifies Bruxism, Sleep Bruxism, patient s who suffer mild, moderate, or severe sleep disturbed breathing, sleep apnoea. I can now identify people, both children and adults, who are predisposed to sleep problems and upper airway restrictions. Most patients don't even realise their sleep is the main cause to ill health, malocclusion, grinding teeth, ADHD, chewing and swallowing dysfunctions.
I have been able to develop a comprehensive medical history form that alerts our dental team that our patients may be experiencing sleep problems. A comprehensive template for extra - oral and intra - oral examinations.
We use AER sleep for our sleep studies and Chris Kelly (CEO) who is a sleep scientist is always willing to help. Dr Geof Williams and Chris Kelly give detailed reports for the sleep bruxism and treatment planning for all patients sleep treatment.
Since completing the Dental sleep medicine course I have continued to study with EODO to learn more about Airway Orthodontics and Oral myology.
I am very grateful for having the opportunity to be taught by Dr Derek Mahony and his valuable and experienced team. Dr Mahony is the most passionate, knowledgeable educator I have had the pleasure of being lectured by.
I now have patients being referred to me by speech pathologists, GP's, Chiropractors, physiotherapist, ENT's, and our word-of-mouth referrals has grown as well.
As I am a hygienist all my diagnostics, reports, referrals, and treatment outcomes are approved and reviewed by my principal dental practitioner.
I hope this helps people to choose to further their careers. So grateful I did, I love being able to improve people's health outcomes."